

American Dictionary of the English Language

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ROOT, noun [Latin radix. A root is a shoot, and only a different application of rod, Latin radius.]

1. That part of a plant which enters and fixes itself in the earth, and serves to support the plant in an erect position, while by means of its fibrils it imbibes nutriment for the stem, branches and fruit.

2. The part of any thing that resembles the roots of a plant in manner of growth; as the roots of a cancer, of teeth, etc.

3. The bottom or lower part of any thing.

Deep to the roots of hell -

Burnet uses root of a mountain, but we now say base, foot or bottom. See Job 28:9.

4. A plant whose root is esculent or the most useful part; as beets, carrots, etc.

5. The original or cause of any thing.

The love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10.

6. The first ancestor.

They were the roots out of which sprung two distinct people -

7. In arithmetic and algebra, the root of any quantity is such a quantity as, when multiplied into itself a certain number of times, will exactly produce that quantity. Thus 2 is a root of 4, because when multiplied into itself, it exactly produces 4.

8. Means of growth. 'He hath no root in himself; ' that is, no soil in which grace can grow and flourish. Matthew 13:6.

9. In music, the fundamental note of any chord.

ROOT of bitterness, in Scripture, any error, sin or evil that produces discord or immorality.

To take root to become planted or fixed; or to be established; to increase and spread.

to take deep root to be firmly planted or established; to be deeply impressed.

ROOT, verb intransitive

1. To fix the root; to enter the earth, as roots.

In deep grounds, the weeds root deeper.

2. To be firmly fixed; to be established.

The multiplying brood of the ungodly shall not take deep rooting.

3. To sink deep.

If any error chanced - to cause misapprehensions, he gave them not leave to root and fasten by concealment.

ROOT, verb transitive

1. To plant and fix deep in the earth; used chiefly in the participle; as rooted trees or forests.

2. To plant deeply; to impress deeply and durably. Let the leading truths of the gospel be deeply rooted in the mind; let holy affections be well rooted in the heart.

3. In Scripture, to be rooted and grounded in Christ, is to be firmly united to him by faith and love, and well established in the belief of his character and doctrines. Ephesians 3:17.

ROOT, verb intransitive or t.

To turn up the earth with the snout, as swine. Swine root to find worms; they root the ground wherever they come.

To root up or out, to eradicate; to extirpate; to remove or destroy root and branch; to exterminate. Deuteronomy 29:18. Job 31:12.

ROOT'-BOUND, adjective Fixed to the earth by roots.

ROOT'-BUILT, adjective Built of roots.