GOS'PEL, noun [Latin evangelium, a good or joyful message.]
The history of the birth, life, actions, death, resurrection, ascension and doctrines of Jesus Christ; or a revelation of the grace of God to fallen man through a mediator, including the character, actions, and doctrines of Christ, with the whole scheme of salvation, as revealed by Christ and his apostles. This gospel is said to have been preached to Abraham, by the promise, 'in thee shall all nations be blessed.' Galatians 3:8.
It is called the gospel of God. Romans 1:1.
It is called the gospel of Christ. Romans 1:16.
It is called the gospel of salvation. Ephesians 1:13.
1. God's word.
2. Divinity; theology.
3. Any general doctrine.
GOS'PEL, verb transitive To instruct in the gospel; or to fill with sentiments of religion.