ALLA'Y, verb transitive [Gr.; Latin ligo, to bind; but this may be the same word differently applied, that is, to set, to fix, to make fast, to unite. allay and alloy were formerly used indifferently; but I have recognized an entire distinction between them, applying alloy to metals.]
1. To make quiet; to pacify, or appease; as, to allay the tumult of the passions, or to allay civil commotions.
2. To abate, mitigate, subdue or destroy; as, to allay grief or pain.
Females, who soften and allay the bitterness of adversity.
3. To obtund or repress as acrimony; as, to allay the acrid qualities of a substance.
4. Formerly, to reduce the purity of; as, to allay metals. But, in this sense, alloy is now exclusively used. [See Alloy.]
ALLA'Y, noun
1. Formerly, a baser metal mixed with a finer; but in this sense it is now written alloy, which see.
2. That which allays, or abates the predominant qualities; as, the allay of colors.
Also, abatement; diminution by means of some mixture; as, joy without allay But alloy is now more generally used.