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AVERSE, adjective avers'. [See Avert.] The literal sense of this word is, turned from, in manifestation of dislike. Hence the real sense is,

1. Disliking; unwilling; having a repugnance of mind.

AVERSE alike to flatter or offend.

2. Unfavorable; indisposed; malign.

And Pallas now averse refused her aid.

This word and its derivatives ought to be followed by to, and never by from. This word includes the idea of from; but the literal meaning being lost, the affection of the mind signified by the word, is exerted towards the object of dislike, and like its kindred terms, hatred, dislike, contrary, repugnant, etc., should be followed by to. Indeed it is absurd to speak of an affection of the mind exerted from an object. averse expresses a less degree of opposition in the mind, than detesting and abhorring.

Milton once uses averse in its literal sense, with from, but it is not according to the English idiom.