BEAK, noun [Eng. peak, pike, etc. The sense is, a shoot, or a point, from thrusting; and this word is connected with a numerous family. See Class Bg.]
1. The bill, or nib of a bird, consisting of a horny substance, either straight or curving, and ending in a point.
2. A pointed piece of wood, fortified with brass, resembling a beak fastened to the end of ancient gallies; intended to pierce the vessels of an enemy. In modern ships, the beak-head is a name given to the forepart of a ship, whose forecastle is square, or oblong; a circumstance common to all ships of war, which have two or more tiers of guns.
BEAK or beak-head, that part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee.
3. In farriery, a little shoe, at the toe, about an inch long, turned up and fastened in upon the part of the hoof.
4. Any thing ending in a point, like a beak This in America is more generally pronounced peak.
BEAK, verb transitive Among cock fighters, to take hold with the beak