BELIE'F, noun
1. A persuasion of the truth, or an assent of mind to the truth of a declaration, proposition or alleged fact, on the ground of evidence, distinct from personal knowledge; as the belief of the gospel; belief of a witness. belief may also be founded on internal impressions, or arguments and reasons furnished by our own minds; as the belief of our senses; a train of reasoning may result in belief belief is opposed to knowledge and science.
2. In theology, faith, or a firm persuasion of the truths of religion.
No man can attain [to] belief by the bare contemplation of heaven and earth.
3. Religion; the body of tenets held by the professors of faith.
In the heat of persecution, to which christian belief was subject, upon its first promulgation.
4. In some cases, the word is used for persuasion or opinion, when the evidence is not so clear as to leave no doubt; but the shades of strength in opinion can hardly be defined, or exemplified. Hence the use of qualifying words; as a firm, full or strong belief
5. The thing believed; the object of belief
Superstitious prophecies are the belief of fools.
6. A creed; a form or summary of articles of faith. In this sense, we generally use Creed.