American Dictionary of the English Language

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BORD'ER, noun The outer edge of any thing; the extreme part or surrounding line; the confine or exterior limit of a country, or of any region or tract of land; the exterior part or edge of a garment, or of the corol of plants; the rim or brim of a vessel, but not often applied to vessels; the exterior part of a garden, and hence a bank raised at the side of a garden, for the cultivation of flowers, and a row of plants; in short, the outer part or edge of things too numerous to be specified.

BORD'ER, verb intransitive To confine; to touch at the edge, side or end; to be contiguous or adjacent; with on or upon; as, Connecticut on the north borders on or upon Massachusetts.

1. To approach near to.

Wit, which borders upon profaneness, deserves to be branded as folly.

BORD'ER, verb transitive To make a border; to adorn with a border of ornaments; as, to border a garment or a garden.

1. To reach to; to touch at the edge or end; to confine upon; to be contiguous to.

Sheba and Raamah border the Persian gulf.

2. To confine within bounds; to limit. [Not used.]