CARRY, verb transitive
1. To bear, convey, or transport, by sustaining and moving the thing carried, either by bodily strength, upon a beast, in a vehicle, or in any kind of water-craft. In general, it implies a moving from the speaker or the place present or near, to a place more distant, and so is opposed to bring and fetch, and it is often followed by from, away, off, out.
He shall carry the lambs in his bosom. Isaiah 40:11.
When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away. Psalms 49:17.
2. To convey; as sound is carried in the air.
3. To effect; to accomplish; to prevail; to gain the object; as, to carry a point, measure, or resolution; to carry a prize; to carry a fortified town by force of arms; sometimes followed by it.
Whose wills will carry it over the rest.
4. To bear out; to face through.
If a man carries it off, there is so much money saved.
5. To urge, impel, lead or draw, noting moral impulse.
Pride or passion will carry a man to great lengths.
Men are carried away with imaginary prospects. See Ephesians 4:14. Hebrews 13:9.
6. To bear; to have.
In some vegetables, we see something that carries a kind of analogy to sense.
7. To bear; to show, display or exhibit to view.
The aspect of every one in the family carries satisfaction.
8. To imply or import.
To quit former tenets carries an imputation of ignorance.
9. To contain or comprise.
He thought it carried something of argument in it, to prove that doctrine.
10. To extend or continue in time, as to carry a historical account to the first ages of the world; but usually with a particle, as to carry up or carry back, to carry forward.
11. To extend in space, as to carry a line or a boundary; or in a moral sense, as to carry ideas very far.
12. To support or sustain.
CARRY camomile on sticks.
13. To bear or produce, as trees.
Set them a reasonable depth, and they will carry more shoots upon the stem.
14. To manage or transact, usually with on; as, to carry on business.
15. To carry ones self, to behave, conduct or demean.
He carried himself insolently. Sometimes with it; as, he carried it high.
16. To remove, lead or drive.
And he carried away all his cattle. Genesis 31:1.
17. To remove; to cause to go.
And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel to Assyria. 2 Kings 18:11.
18. To transport; to affect with extraordinary impressions on the mind. Revelation 17:1.
19. To fetch and bring.
Young whelps learn easily to carry
20. To transfer; as, to carry an account to the ledger.
War was to be diverted from Greece by being carried into Asia.
To carry coals, to bear injuries.
To carry off, to remove to a distance; also, to kill, as to be carried off by sickness.
To carry on,
1. to promote, advance, or help forward; to continue; as, to carry on a design; to carry on the administration of grace.
2. To manage or prosecute; as, to carry on husbandry.
3. To prosecute, continue or pursue; as, to carry on trade or war.
To carry through, to support to the end; to sustain or keep from failing, or being subdued.
Grace will carry a man through all difficulties. Hammond.
To carry out, to bear from within; also, to sustain to the end; to continue to the end.
To carry away, in seamanship, is to break; to carry sail till a spar breaks; as, to carry away a fore-topmast.
CARRY, verb intransitive
1. To run on rotten ground, or on frost, which sticks to the feet, as a hare.
2. To bear the head in a particular manner, as a horse. When a horse holds his head high, with an arching neck, he is said to carry well. When he lowers his head too much, he is said to carry low.
3. To convey; to propel; as, a gun or mortar carries well; but this is elliptical.