CLAIM, verb transitive
1. To call for; to ask or seek to obtain, by virtue of authority, right or supposed right; to challenge as a right; to demand as due; as, to claim a debt; to claim obedience, or respect.
2. To assert, or maintain as a right; as, he claims to be the best poet of the age.
3. To have a right or title to; as, the heir claims the estate by descent; he claims a promise.
4. To proclaim.
5. To call or name.
CLAIM, noun
1. A demand of a right or supposed right; a calling on another for something due, or supposed to be due; as a claim of wages for services. A claim implies a right or supposed right in the claimant to something which is in anothers possession or power. A claim may be made in words, by suit, and by other means. The word is usually preceded by make or lay; to make claim; to lay claim
2. A right to claim or demand; a title to any debt, privilege or other thing in possession of another; as, a prince has a claim to the throne.
Homers claims to the first rank among Epic poets have rarely been disputed.
3. The thing claimed, or demanded.
4. A loud call.