1. The act of committing, doing, performing, or perpetrating; as the commission of a crime.
2. The act of committing or sending to; the act of entrusting, as a charge or duty. Hence,
3. The thing committed, entrusted or delivered; letters patent, or any writing from proper authority, given to a person as his warrant for exercising certain powers, or the performance of any duty, whether civil, ecclesiastical, or military. Hence,
4. Charge; order; mandate; authority given.
He bore his great commission in his look.
5. By a metonymy, a number of persons joined in an office or trust.
6. The state of that which is entrusted, as the great seal was put into commission; or the state of being authorized to act or perform service, as a ship is put into commission
7. In commerce, the state of acting under authority in the purchase and sale of goods for another. To trade or do business on commission is to buy or sell for another by this authority. Hence,
8. The allowance made to a factor or commission-merchant for transacting business, which is a certain rate per cent. of the value of the goods bought or sold.
COMMISSION of bankruptcy, is a commission issuing from the Chancellor in Great Britain, and in other countries, from some proper authority, appointing and empowering certain persons to examine into the facts relative to an alleged bankruptcy, and to secure the bankrupts lands and effects for the creditors.
COMMISSION of lunacy, is a commission issuing from the court of chancery, to authorize an inquiry whether a person is a lunatic or not.
COMMISSION-officer, in the army or navy, is an officer who has a commission in distinction from subaltern officers.