CONJURE, verb transitive [Latin , to swear together, to conspire.]
1. To call on or summon by a sacred name, or in a solemn manner; to implore with solemnity. It seems originally to have signified, to bind by an oath.
I conjure you! Let him know, whatever was done against him, Cato did it.
2. To bind two or more by an oath; to unite in a common design. Hence intransitively, to conspire. [Not usual.]
CONJURE, verb transitive To expel, to drive or to affect, in some manner, by magic arts, as by invoking the Supreme Being, or by the use of certain words, characters or ceremonies to engage supernatural influence; as, to conjure up evil spirits, or to conjure down a tempest; to conjure the stars.
Note. It is not easy to define this word, nor any word of like import; as the practices of conjurors are little known, or various and indefinite. The use of this word indicates that an oath or solemn invocation originally formed a part of the ceremonies.
CONJURE, verb intransitive
1. To practice the arts of a conjurer; to use arts to engage the aid of spirits in performing some extraordinary act.
2. In a vulgar sense, to behave very strangely; to act like a witch; to play tricks.