DAY, noun
1. That part of the time of the earth's revolution on its axis, in which its surface is presented to the sun; the part of the twenty four hours when it is light; or the space of time between the rising and setting of the sun; called the artificial day
And God called the light day Gen. I.
In this sense, the day may commence at any period of the revolution. The Babylonians began the day at sun-rising; the Jews, at sun-setting; the Egyptians, at midnight, as do several nations in modern times, the British, French, Spanish, American, etc. This day in reference to civil transactions, is called the civil day Thus with us the day when a legal instrument is dated, begins and ends at midnight.
3. Light; sunshine.
Let us walk honestly as in the day Romans 13:12.
4. Time specified; any period of time distinguished from other time; age; time with reference to the existence of a person or thing.
He was a useful man in his day
In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die. Genesis 2:2.
In this sense, the plural is often used; as, from the days of the judges; in the days of our fathers. In this sense also, the word is often equivalent to life, or earthly existence.
5. The contest of a day; battle; or day of combat.
The day is his own.
He won the day that is, he gained the victory.
6. An appointed or fixed time.
If my debtors do not keep their day Dryden.
7. Time of commemorating an event; anniversary; the same day of the month, in any future year. We celebrate the day of our Savior's birth.
DAY by day daily; every day; each day in succession; continually; without intermission of a day
DAY by day we magnify thee. Common Prayer.
But or only from day to day without certainty of continuance; temporarily.
To-day, adverb On the present day; this day; or at the present time.
DAYs of grace, in theology, the time when mercy is offered to sinners.
To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalms 95:7.
DAYs of grace, in law, are days granted by the court for delay, at the prayer of the plaintiff or defendant.
Three days, beyond the day named in the writ, in which the person summoned may appear and answer.
DAYs of grace, in commerce, a customary number of days, in Great Britain and America, three, allowed for the payment of a note or bill of exchange, after it becomes due. A note due on the seventh of the month is payable on the tenth.
The days of grace are different in different countries. In France, they are ten; at Naples, Eight; at Venice, Amsterdam and Antwerp, six; at Hamburg, Twelve; in Spain, fourteen; in Genoa, thirty.
DAYs in bank, in England, days of appearance in the court of common bench.