DEEP, adjective
1. Extending or being far below the surface; descending far downward; profound ; opposed to shallow; as deep water; a deep pit or well.
2. Low in situation; being or descending far below the adjacent land; as a deep valley.
3. Entering far; piercing a great way. A tree in a good soil takes deep root. A spear struck deep into the flesh.
4. Far from the outer part; secreted.
A spider deep ambushed in her den.
5. Not superficial or obvious; hidden; secret.
He discovereth deep things out of darkness. Job 12:22.
6. Remote from comprehension.
O Lord, thy thoughts are very deep Ps. Xcii.
7. Sagacious; penetrating; having the power to enter far into a subject; as a man of deep thought; a deep divine.
8. Artful; contriving; concealing artifice; insidious; designing; as a friend, deep hollow treacherous.
9. Grave in sound; low; as the deep tones of an organ.
10. Very still; solemn; profound; as deep silence.
11. Thick; black; not to be penetrated by the sight.
Now deeper darkness brooded on the ground.
12. Still; sound; not easily broken or disturbed.
The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. Genesis 2:21.
13. Depressed; sunk low, metaphorically; as deep poverty.
14. Dark; intense; strongly colored; as a deep brown; a deep crimson; a deep blue.
15. Unknown; unintelligible.
A people of deeper speech than thou canst perceive. Isaiah 33:19.
16. Heart-felt; penetrating; affecting; as a deep sense of guilt.
17. Intricate; not easily understood or unraveled; as a deep plot or intrigue.
This word often qualifies a verb, like an adverb.
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring.
DEEP, noun
1. The sea; the abyss of waters; the ocean.
He maketh the deep to boil like a pot. Job x1i.
2. A lake; a great collection of water.
Lanch out into the deep and let down your nets. Luke 5:4.
3. That which is profound, not easily fathomed, or incomprehensible.
Thy judgments are a great deep Psalms 36:6.
4. The most still or solemn part; the midst; as, in deep of night.