American Dictionary of the English Language

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DEMISE, noun S as z. [Latin Literally, a laying down, or sending from; a removing.]

1. In England, a laying down or removal, applied to the crown or royal authority. The demise of the crown, is a transfer of the crown, royal authority or kingdom to a successor. Thus when Edward fourth was driven from his throne for a few months by the house of Lancaster, this temporary transfer of his dignity was called a demise Hence the natural death of a king or queen came to be denominated a demise as by that event, the crown is transferred to a successor.

2. A conveyance or transfer of an estate, by lease or will.

DEMISE and redemise, a conveyance where there are mutual leases made from one to another of the same land, or something out of it.

DEMISE, verb transitive S as z.

1. To transfer or convey; to lease.

2. To bequeath; to grant by will.