American Dictionary of the English Language

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DIM, adjective [See Damp.]

1. Not seeing clearly; having the vision obscured and indistinct.

When Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim Genesis 27:1.

2. Not clearly seen; obscure; imperfectly seen or discovered; as a dim prospect.

3. Somewhat dark; dusky; not luminous; as a dim shade.

4. Dull of apprehension; having obscure conceptions.

The understanding is dim

5. Having its luster obscured; sullied; tarnished.

How is the gold become dim? Lamentations 4:1.

DIM, verb transitive

1. To cloud; to impair the powers of vision; as, to dim the eyes.

2. To obscure; as, to dim the sight; to dim the prospect.

3. To render dull the powers of conception.

4. To make less bright; to obscure.

Each passion dimmed his face.

5. To render less bright; to tarnish or sully; as, to dim gold.