American Dictionary of the English Language

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DREAM, noun [G.]

1. The thought or series of thoughts of a person in sleep. We apply dream in the singular, to a series of thoughts, which occupy the mind of a sleeping person, in which he imagines he has a view of real things or transactions. A dream is a series of thoughts not under the command of reason, and hence wild and irregular.

2. In scripture, dreams were sometimes impressions on the minds of sleeping persons, made by divine agency. God came to Abimelech in a dream Joseph was warned by God in a dream Genesis 20:3. Matthew 2:12.

3. A vain fancy; a wild conceit; an unfounded suspicion.

DREAM, verb intransitive preterit tense dreamed or dreamt. [G.]

1. To have ideas or images in the mind, in the state of sleep; with of before a noun; as, to dream of a battle; to dream of an absent friend.

2. To think; to imagine; as, he little dreamed of his approaching fate.

3. To think idly.

They dream on in a course of reading, without digesting.

4. To be sluggish; to waste time in vain thoughts; as, to dream away life.

DREAM, verb transitive To see in a dream

And dreamt the future fight.

It is followed by a noun of the like signification; as, to dream a dream