HAIL, noun Masses of ice or frozen vapor, falling from the clouds in showers or storms. These masses consist of little spherules united, but not all of the same consistence; some being as hard and solid as perfect ice; others soft, like frozen snow. Hailstones assume various figures; some are round, others angular, others pyramidical, others flat, and sometimes they are stellated with six radii, like crystals of snow.
HAIL, verb intransitive To pour down masses of ice or frozen vapors.
HAIL, verb transitive To pour.
HAIL, adjective [Gr. whole.] Sound; whole; healthy; not impaired by disease; as a hail body; hail corn. [In this sense, it is usually written hale.]
HAIL, an exclamation, or rather a verb in the imperative mode, being the adjective hail used as a verb. hail be well; be in health; health to you; a term of salutation, equivalent to Latin salve, salvete.
HAIL, hail brave friend.
HAIL, noun A wish of health; a salutation. This word is sometimes used as a noun; as, the angel hail bestowed.
HAIL, verb transitive [Latin calo. See Call and Heal.] To call; to call to a person at a distance, to arrest his attention. It is properly used in any case where the person accosted is distant, but is appropriately used by seamen. Hoa or hoi, the ship ahoay, is the usual manner of hailing; to which the answer is holloa, or hollo. Then follow the usual questions, whence came ye? where are you bound? etc.