American Dictionary of the English Language

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MAD, adjective

1. Disordered in intellect; distracted; furious.

We must bind our passions in chains, lest like mad folks, they break their locks and bolts.

2. Proceeding from disordered intellect or expressing it; as a mad demeanor.

3. Enraged; furious; as a mad bull.

And being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them, even to strange cities. Acts 26:11.

4. Inflamed to excess with desire; excited with violent and unreasonable passion or appetite; infatuated; followed properly by after.

The world is running made after farce, the extremity of bad poetry.

'Mad upon their idols, ' would be better rendered, 'Mad after their idols.' Jeremiah 1:1.

5. Distracted with anxiety or trouble; extremely perplexed.

Thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes--

Deuteronomy 28:34.

6. Infatuated with folly.

The spiritual man is mad Hosea 9.

7. Inflamed with anger; very angry. [This is a common and perhaps the most general sense of the word in America. It is thus used by Arbuthnot, and is perfectly proper.]

8. Proceeding from folly or infatuation.

MAD wars destroy in one year the works of many years of peace.

MAD, verb transitive To make mad furious or angry.

MAD, verb intransitive To be mad furious or wild.