American Dictionary of the English Language

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PAWN, noun [Latin pignus.]

1. Something given or deposited as security for the payment of money borrowed; a pledge. pawn is applied only to goods, chattels or money, and not to real estate.

Men will not take pawns without use.

2. A pledge for the fulfillment of a promise.

3. A common man at chess. [See Peon.]

In pawn at pawn the state of being pledged.

Sweet wife, my honor is at pawn

PAWN, verb transitive [Latin pignero.]

1. To give or deposit in pledge, or as security for the payment of money borrowed; to pledge; as, she pawned the last piece of plate.

2. To pledge for the fulfillment of a promise; as, to pawn one's word or honor that an agreement shall be fulfilled.

PAWN'-BROKER, noun One who lends money on pledge or the deposit of goods.