REASON, noun re'zn. [Latin ratio, which is from ratus, and which proves reor to be contracted from redo, redor, and all unite with rod, Latin radius, etc. Gr. to say or speak, whence rhetoric. See Read.]
1. That which is thought or which is alleged in words, as the ground or cause of opinion, conclusion or determination. I have reasons which I may choose not to disclose. You ask me my reasons. I freely give my reasons. The judge assigns good reasons for his opinion, reasons which justify his decision. Hence in general,
2. The cause, ground, principle or motive of any thing said or done; that which supports or justifies a determination, plan or measure.
Virtue and vice are not arbitrary things; but there is a natural and eternal reason for that goodness and virtue, and against vice and wickedness. 1 Peter 3:15.
3. Efficient cause. He is detained by reason of sickness.
Spain in thin sown of people, partly by reason of its sterility of soil
The reason of the motion of the balance in a wheel-watch is by motion of the next wheel.
4. Final cause.
REASON, in the English language, is sometimes taken for true and clear principles; sometimes for clear and fair deductions; sometimes for the cause, particularly the final cause.
5. A faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes truth from falsehood, and good from evil, and which enables the possessor to deduce inferences from facts or from propositions.
Self-love, the spring of motion, acts the soul, reason's comparing balance rules the whole - That sees immediate good by present sense, reason the future and the consequence.
REASON is the director of man's will.
6. Ratiocination; the exercise of reason
But when by reason she the truth has found -
7. Right; justice; that which is dictated or supported by reason Every man claims to have reason on his side.
I was promised on a time to have reason for my rhyme.
8. Reasonable claim; justice.
God brings good out of evil, and therefore it were but reason we should trust God to govern his own world.
9. Rationale; just account.
This reason did the ancient fathers render, why the church was called catholic.
10. Moderation; moderate demands; claims which reason and justice admit or prescribe.
The most probable way of bringing France to reason would be by the making an attempt on the Spanish West Indies -
In reason in all reason in justice; with rational ground.
When any thing is proved by as good arguments as a thing of that kind is capable of, we ought not in reason to doubt of its existence.
RE'ASON, verb intransitive
1. To exercise the faculty of reason; to deduce inferences justly from premises. Brutes do not reason; children reason imperfectly.
2. To argue; to infer conclusions from premises, or to deduce new or unknown propositions from previous propositions which are known or evident. To reason justly is to infer from propositions which are known, admitted or evident, the conclusions which are natural, or which necessarily result from them. Men may reason within themselves; they may reason before a court or legislature; they may reason wrong as well as right.
3. To debate; to confer or inquire by discussion or mutual communication of thoughts, arguments or reasons.
And they reasoned among themselves. Matthew 16:8.
1. To reason with, to argue with; to endeavor to inform, convince or persuade by argument. reason with a profligate son, and if possible, persuade him of his errors.
2. To discourse; to talk; to take or give an account.
Stand still, that I may reason with you before the Lord, of all the righteous acts of the Lord. obsolete 1 Samuel 12:7.
RE'ASON, verb transitive
1. To examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss. I reasoned the matter with my friend.
When they are clearly discovered, well digested and well reasoned in every part, there is beauty in such a theory.
2. To persuade by reasoning or argument; as, to reason one into a belief of truth; to reason one out of his plan; to reason down a passion.