RECE'IT, noun rece't. [Latin receptus. This word wought to follow the analogy of conceit, deceit, from Latin conceptus, deceptus, and be written without p, receit.]
1. The act of receiving; as the receit of a letter.
2. The place of receiving; as the receit of custom.
3. Reception; as the receit of blessings or mercies.
4. Reception; welcome; as the kind receit of a friend. obsolete
[In this sense, reception is now used.]
5. Recipe; prescription of ingredients for any composition, as of medicines, etc.
6. In commerce, a writing acknowledging the taking of money or goods. A receit of money may be in part or in full payment of a debt, and it operates as an acquittance or discharge of the debt either in part or in full. A receit of goods makes the receiver liable to account for the same, according to the nature of the transaction, or the tenor of the writing. It is customary for sheriffs to deliver goods taken in execution, to some person who gives his receit for them, with a promise to redeliver them to the sheriff at or before the time of sale.
RECEIT, verb transitive rece't. To give a receit for; as, to receit goods delivered by a sheriff.