RECKONING, participle present tense rek'ning. Counting; computing; esteeming; reputing; stating an account mutually.
1. The act of counting or computing; calculation.
2. An account of time.
3. A statement of accounts with another; a statement and comparison of accounts mutually for adjustment; as in the proverb, 'short reckonings make long friends.'
The way to make reckonings even, is to make them often.
4. The charges or account made by a host.
A coin would have a nobler use than to pay a reckoning
5. Account taken. 2 Kings 22:7.
6. Esteem; account; estimation.
You make no further reckoning of the beauty, than of an outward fading benefit nature bestowed.
7. In navigation, an account of the ship's course and distance calculated from the log-board without the aid of celestial observation. This account from the log-board, is called the dead reckoning