American Dictionary of the English Language

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RESPOND', verb intransitive [Latin respondeo; re and spondeo, to promise, that is, to sent to. Hence respondeo is to send back.]

1. To answer; to reply.

A new affliction strings a new chord in the heart, which responds to some new note of complaint within the wide scale of human woe.

2. To correspond; to suit.

To every theme responds thy various lay.

3. To be answerable; to be liable to make payment; as, the defendant is held to respond in damages.

RESPOND', verb transitive To answer; to satisfy by payment. The surety was held to respond the judgment of court. The goods attached shall be held to respond the judgment.

RESPOND', noun

1. A short anthem interrupting the middle of a chapter, which is not to proceed till the anthem is ended.

2. An answer. [Not in use.]