American Dictionary of the English Language

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SA'CRED, adjective [Latin sacer, sacred holy, cursed, damnable. We here see the connection between sacredness and secrecy. The sense is removed or separated from that which is common, vulgar, polluted, or open, public; and accursed is separated from society or the privileges of citizens, rejected, banished.]

1. Holy; pertaining to God or to his worship; separated from common secular uses and consecrated to God and his service; as a sacred place; a sacred day; a sacred feast; sacred service; sacred orders.

2. Proceeding from God and containing religious precepts; as the sacred books of the Old and New Testament.

3. Narrating or writing facts respecting God and holy things; as a sacred historian.

4. Relating to religion or the worship of God; used for religious purposes; as sacred songs; sacred music; sacred history.

5. Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; with to.

A temple sacred to the queen of love.

6. Entitled to reverence; venerable.

Poet and saint to thee alone were given, the two most sacred names of earth and heav'n.

7. Inviolable, as if appropriated to a superior being; as sacred honor or promise.

Secrets of marriage still are sacred held.

Sacred majesty. In this title, sacred has no definite meaning, or it is blasphemy.

Sacred place, in the civil law, is that where a deceased person is buried.