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SEAL, noun The common name for the species of the genus Phoca. These animals are ampibious, most of the inhabiting the sea coasts, particularly in the higher latitudes. They have six cutting teeth in the upper jaw, and four in the lower. Their hind feet are placed at the extremity of the body, in the same diretion with it, and serve the purpose of a caudal fin; the fore feet are also adapted for swimming, and furmished each with five claws; the external ears are either very small or wanting. There are numerous species; as the leonina, sometimes 18 feet in length, and the jubata, sometimes 25 feet in length, with a name like a lion, both called sea-lion, and found in the southern seas, and alo in the noun Pacific; the ursina, or sea bear, 8 or 9 feet in length, and covered with long, thick bristly hair, found in the noun Pacifac; and the common seal frome 4 to 6 feet in length, found generally throughout the Atlantic and the seas and bays communicating with it, covered with short, stiff, glossy hair, with a smooth head without external ears, and with the fore legs deeply immersed in the skin. Seals are much sought after for their skins and fur.

SEAL, noun [L. sigillum.]

1. A piece of metal or other hard substance, usually round or oval, on which is ingraved some image or device, and sometimes a legend or inscription. This is used by idividuals, corporate bodies and states, for making impressions on wax upon instuments of writing, as an evidence of their authenticity. The king of England has his seal and his privy seal. Seals are sometimes worn in rings.

The wax set to an instument, and impressed or stamped with a seal Thus we give a deed under had and seel. Wax is generally used in sealing instruments, but other substances may be used.

3. The wax or wafer that makes fast a letter or other paper.

4. Any act of confirmation.

5. That which confirms, ratifies or makes stable; assurance. 2 Timothy 2:19.

6. That which effectually shuts, confines or secures; that which makes fast. Revelation 20:3.

SEAL, verb transitive

1. To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer or with wax; as, to seal a letter.

2. To set or affix a seal as a mark of authenticity; as, to seal a deed. Hence,

3. To confirm; to ratify; to establish.

And with my hand I seal our true hearts' love. Shak.

When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. Romans 15:28.

4. To shut or keep close; sometimes with up. Seal your lips; seal up you lips.

Open your ears, and seal your bosom upon the secret conserns of a friend. Dwight.

5. To make fast.

So they went and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone and setting a watch.

Matthew 27:1.

6. To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality. By our laws, weights and measures are to be sealed by an officer appointed and sworn for that purpose; and leather is to be sealed by a like officer, as evidence that it has been inspected and found to be of good quality.

7. To keep secret.

Shut up the words, and seal the book. Daniel 11:1. Isaiah 8:16.

8. To mark as ones property, and secure from danger.

9. To close; to fulfill; to complete; with up.

10. To imprint on the mind; as, to seal instruction.

11. To inclose; to hide; to conceal.

12. To confine; to restrain.

13. In architecture, to fix a piece of wood or iron in a wall with cement.

SEAL, verb intransitive To fix a seal

I will seal unto this bond. [Unusual.] Shak.