American Dictionary of the English Language

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SERE'NE, adjective [Latin serenus; Heb. Ch. Syr. Ar. to shine. Class Sr. No. 2. 23.47.]

1. Clear or fair, and calm; as a serene sky; serene air; Serene imports great purity.

2. Bright.

The moon, serene in glory, mounts the sky. Pope.

3. Caln; unruffled; undisturbed; as a serene aspect; a serene soul.

4. A title given to several princes and magistrates in Europe; as serene highness; most serene.

SERE'NE, noun A cold damp evening. [Not in use.]

SERE'NE, verb transitive

1. To make clear and calm; to quiet.

2. To clear; to brighten.