STALK, noun [G., a handle, and a stalk or stem. Gr. from the root of stall; to set.]
1. The stem, culm or main body of an herbaceous plant. Thus we speak of a stalk of wheat, rye or oats, the stalks of maiz or hemp. The stalk of herbaceous plants, answers to the stem of shrubs and tress, and denotes that which is set, the fixed part of a plant, its support; or it is a shoot.
2. The pedicle of a flower, or the peduncle that supports the fructification of a plant.
3. The stem of a quill.
STALK, verb intransitive
1. To walk with high and proud steps; usually implying the affectation of dignity, and hence the word usually expresses dislike. The poets however use the word to express dignity of step.
With manly mein he stalkd along the ground.
Then stalking through the deep he fords the ocean.
2. It is used with some insinuation of contempt or abhorrence.
STALKs close behind her, like a witchs fiend, pressing to be employd.
Tis not to stalk about and draw fresh air from time to time.
3. To walk behind a stalking horse or behind a cover.
The king crept under the shoulder of his led horse, and said, I must stalk
STALK, noun A high, proud, stately step or walk.