STOCK, noun [G., a stem, a staff, a stick, a block. This word coincides with stake, stick, stack; that which is set or fixed.]
1. The stem or main body of a tree or other plant; the fixed, strong, firm part; the origin and support of the branches. Job 14:8.
2. The stem in which a graft is inserted, and which is its support.
The cion overruleth the stock quite.
3. A post; something fixed, solid and senseless.
When all our fathers worshipd stocks and stones.
4. A person very stupid, dull and senseless.
Lets be no stoics, nor no stocks.
5. The handle of any thing.
6. The wood in which the barrel of a musket or other fire-arm is fixed.
7. A thrust with a rapier. [Not in use.]
8. A cravat or band for the neck.
9. A cover for the leg. [Now stocking.]
10. The original progenitor; also, the race or line of a family; the progenitors of a family and their direct descendants; lineage; family. From what stock did he spring?
Thy mother was no goddess, nor thy stock from Dardanus -
Men and brothern, children of the stock of Abraham - Acts 13:26.
11. A fund; capital; the money or goods employed in trade, manufactures, insurance, banking, etc.; as the stock of a banking company; the stock employed in the manufacture of cotton, in making insurance and the like. stock may be individual or joint.
12. Money lent to government, or property in a public debt; a share or shares of a national or other public debt, or in a company debt. The United States borrow of the bank or of individuals, and sell stock bearing an interest of five, six or seven per cent. British stocks are the objects of perpetual speculation.
13. Supply provided; store. Every one may be charitable out of his own stock So we say, a stock of honor, a stock of fame.
Add to that stock which justly we bestow.
14. In agriculture, the domestic animals or beasts belonging to the owner of a farm; as a stock of cattle or of sheep. It is also used for the crop or other property belonging to the farm.
15. Living beasts shipped to a foreign country; as, a brig sailed yesterday with stock on deck. The cattle are called also live stock
16. In the West Indies, the slaves of a plantation.
17. Stocks, plural A machine consisting of two pieces of timber, in which the legs of criminals are confined by way of punishment.
18. The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.
19. The stock of an anchor is the piece of timber into which the shank is inserted.
20. In book-keeping, the owner or owners of the books.
STOCK, verb transitive
1. To store; to supply; to fill; as, to stock the mind with ideas. Asia and Europe are well stocked with inhabitants.
2. To lay up in store; as, he stocks what he cannot use.
3. To put in the stocks. [LITTLE USED.]
4. To pack; to put into a pack; as, to stock cards.
5. To supply with domestic animals; as, to stock a farm.
6. To supply with seed; as, to stock land with clover or herdsgrass.
7. To suffer cows to retain their milk for 24 hours or more, previous to sale.
To stock up, to extirpate; to dig up.