SURREN'DER, verb transitive [Latin sursum, and rendre, to render.]
1. To yield to the power of another; to give or deliver up possession upon compulsion or demand; as, to surrender one's person to an enemy, or to commissioners of bankrupt; to surrender a fort or a ship. [To surrender up is not elegant.]
2. To yield; to give up; to resign in favor of another; as, to surrender a right or privilege; to surrender a place or an office.
3. To give up; to resign; as, to surrender the breath.
4. In law, to yield an estate, as a tenant, into the hands of the lord for such purposes as are expressed in the act.
5. To yield to any influence, passion or power; as, to surrender one's self to grief, to despair, to indolence or to sleep.
SURREN'DER, verb intransitive To yield; to give up one's self into the power of another. The enemy seeing no way of escape, surrendered at the first summons.
SURREN'DER, noun The act of yielding or resigning one's person or the possession of something, into the power of another; as the surrender of a castle to an enemy; the surrender of a right or of claims.
1. A yielding or giving up.
2. In law, the yielding of an estate by a tenant to the lord, for such purposes as are expressed by the tenant in the act.