TOKEN, noun to'kn. [Latin signum, dialetically varied, or from the same radix.]
1. A sign; something intended to represent or indicate another thing or an event. Thus the rainbow is a token of God's covenant established with Noah. The blood of the paschal lamb, sprinkled on the doors of the Hebrews, was a token to the destroying angel of God's will that he should pass by those houses. Genesis 9:12. Exodus 12:13.
Show me a token for good. Psalms 86:17.
2. A mark. In pestilential diseases, tokens are livid spots upon the body, which indicate the approach of death.
3. A memorial of friendship; something by which the friendship of another person is to be kept in mind.
4. In coinage, tokens were coins struck in the reign of Elizabeth in the cities of Bristol, Oxford and Worcester, and also by private persons, which were put into circulation, and upon being returned, the issuer gave the value of them in current money.
5. In printing, ten quires of paper; an extra quire is usually added to every other token when counted out for the press.
TO'KEN, verb transitive To make known. [Not in use.]