WEIGHT, noun Wate. [See Weigh.]
1. The quantity of a body, ascertained by the balance; in a philosophical sense, that quality of bodies by which they tend towards the center of the earth in a line perpendicular to its surface. In short, weight is gravity, and the weight of a particular body is the amount of its gravity, or of the force with which it tends to the center. The weight of a body is in direct proportion to its quantity of matter.
2. A mass of iron, lead, brass or other metal, to be used for ascertaining the weight of other bodies; as a weight of an ounce, a pound, a quarter of a hundred, etc. The weights of nations are different except those of England and the United States, which are the same.
3. A ponderous mass; something heavy.
A man leaps better with weights in his hands.
4. Pressure; burden; as the weight of grief; weight of care; weight of business; weight of government.
5. Importance; power; influence; efficacy; consequence; moment; impressiveness; as a argument of great weight; a consideration of vast weight The dignity of a mans character adds weight to his words.