American Dictionary of the English Language

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Websters Dictionary 1828

This online edition has been carefully prepared in a special format. All words, definitions, and examples have been preserved, but the explanations of word origins have been left out to make the data easier to use in a digital format. We have also removed Webster's long technical introduction for the same reason.

Scripture references have been converted to a modern format, and many abbreviations have been expanded to make them easier to understand.

Word of the Day


PLAT, verb transitive [from plait, or plat flat.]

To weave; to form by texture. Matthew 27:29.

PLAT, noun [Latin latus; or from the root of place.] A small piece of ground, usually a portion of flat even ground; as a flowery plat; a plat of willows.

PLAT, adjective Plain; flat. [Not used.]

PLAT, adverb Plainly; flatly; downright. [Not used.]

1. Smoothly; evenly. [Not used.]