ACCEPT', verb transitive [Latin accepto, from accipio, ad and capio, to take.]
1. To take or receive what is offered, with a consenting mind; to receive with approbation or favor.
Bless, Lord, his substance, and accept the work of his hands. Deuteronomy 33:11.
He made an offer which was accepted.
Observe the difference between receive and accept
He received an appointment or the offer of a commission, but he did not accept it.
2. To regard with partiality; to value or esteem.
It is not good to accept the person of the wicked. Proverbs 18:5. 2 Corinthians 8:12.
In theology, acceptance with God implies forgiveness of sins and reception into his favor.
3. To consent or agree to; to receive as terms of a contract; as, to accept a treaty; often followed by of.
ACCEPT of the terms.
4. To understand; to have a particular idea of; to receive in a particular sense.
How is this phrase to be accepted?
5. In commerce, to agree or promise to pay, as a bill of exchange. [See Acceptance.]