ADMIN'ISTER, verb transitive [Latin administro, of ad and ministro, to serve or manage. See Minister.]
1. To act as minister or chief agent, in managing public affairs, under laws or a constitution of government, as a king, president, or other supreme officer. it is used also of absolute monarchs, who rule not in subordination; but is more strictly applicable to limited monarchs and other supreme executive officers, and to governors, vice-roys, judges and the like, who are under the authority of laws. A king or a president administers the government or laws, when he executes them or carries them into effect. A judge administers the laws, when he applies them to particular cases or persons. In short, to administer is to direct the execution or application of laws.
2. To dispense, as to administer justice or the sacrament.
3. To afford, give or furnish; as, to administer relief, that is, to act as the agent. To administer medicine is to direct and cause it to be taken.
4. To give, as an oath; to cause to swear according to law.
ADMIN'ISTER, verb intransitive
1. To contribute; to bring aid or supplies; to add something; as, a shade administers to our comfort.
2. To perform the office of administrator; as, A administers upon the estate of B.