AL'WAY or AL'WAYS, adverb [all and way]
1. Perpetually; throughout all time; as, God is ALWAYS the same.
2. Continually; without variation.
I do alway those things which please him. John 8:29. Matthew 28:1.
3. Continually or constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals.
Mephibosheth shall eat bread alway at my table. 2 Samuel 9:1.
4. At all convenient times; regularly.
Cornelius prayed to God alway. Acts 10:1. Luke 18:1. Ephesians 6:18.
Alway is now seldom used. The application of this compound to time proceeds from the primary sense of way, which is a going or passing; hence, continuation.
A.M. stand for Artium Magister, master of arts, the second degree given by universities and colleges; called in some countries, doctor of philosophy. In America, this degree is conferred without examination, on bachelors of three years standing.
A.M. stand also for Anno Mundi, in the year of the world.
AM, the first person of the verb to be, in the indicative mode, present tense.
I am that I am. Exodus 3:1.