

American Dictionary of the English Language

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BEN'NET, noun The herb bennet or avens, known in botany by the generic term Geum.

BEN'NET FISH, noun A fish of two feet in length, caught in the African seas, having scales of a deep purple, streaked with gold.

BENT, participle passive of bend. Incurvated; inflected; inclined; prone to or having a fixed propensity; determined.

Bent on, having a fixed inclination; resolved or determined on.

BENT, noun The state of being curving, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity.

1. Declivity; as the bent of a hill. [Unusual.]

2. Inclination; disposition; a leaning or bias of mind; propensity; as the bent of the mind or will; the bent of a people towards an object. This may be natural or artificial, occasional or habitual, with indefinite degrees of strength.

3. Flexion; tendency; particular direction; as the bents and turns of a subject.

4. Application of the mind; a bending of the mind in study or investigation.


BENT'-GRASS, noun A kind of grass, called in botany, Agrostis, of several species.