COIN, noun
1. A corner; a jutting point, as of a wall.
Rustic coins, stones jutting from a wall for new buildings to be joined to.
2. A wedge for raising or lowering a piece of ordnance.
3. A wedge or piece of wood to lay between casks on shipboard.
COIN, noun Primarily, the die employed for stamping money. Hence,
1. Money stamped; a piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, or other metal, converted into money, by impressing on it marks, figures or characters. To make good money, these impressions must be made under the authority of government. That which is stamped without authority is called false or counterfeit coin Formerly, all coin was made by hammering; but it is now impressed by a machine or mill.
Current coin is coin legally stamped and circulating in trade.
Ancient coins are chiefly those of the Jews, Greeks and Romans, which are kept in cabinets as curiosities.
2. In architecture, a kind of die cut diagonally, after the manner of a flight of a stair case, serving at bottom to support columns in a level, and at top to correct the inclination of an entablature supporting a vault.
3. That which serves for payment.
The loss of present advantage to flesh and blood is repaid in a nobler coin
COIN, verb transitive
1. To stamp a metal, and convert it into money; to mint.
2. To make; as, to coin words.
3. To make; to forge; to fabricate; in an ill sense; as, to coin a lie; to coin a fable.