

American Dictionary of the English Language

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CROOK, noun [G., the back, or ridge of an animal. Latin , a wrinkle, a circle; rough, hoarse. The radical sense of crook is to strain or draw; hence, to bend.]

1. Any bend, turn or curve; or a bent or curving instrument. We speak of a crook in a stick of timber, or in a river; and any hook is a crook

2. A shepherd staff, curving at the end; a pastoral staff. When used by a bishop or abbot, it is called a crosier.

He left his crook he left his flocks.

3. A gibbet.

4. An artifice; a trick.

CROOK, verb transitive

1. To bend; to turn from a straight line; to make a curve or hook.

2. To turn from rectitude; to pervert.

3. To thwart. [Little Used.]

CROOK, verb intransitive To bend or be bent; to be turned from a right line; to curve; to wind.