CROSS, noun [G., Latin ]
1. A gibbet consisting of two pieces of timber placed across each other, either in form of a T or of an X. That on which our Savior suffered, is represented on coins and other monuments, to have been of the former kind.
2. The ensign of the Christian religion; and hence figuratively, the religion itself.
3. A monument with a cross upon it to excite devotion, such as were anciently set in market places.
4. Any thing in the form of a cross or gibbet.
5. A line drawn through another.
6. Any thing that thwarts, obstructs, or perplexes; hindrance; vexation; misfortune; opposition; trial of patience.
Heaven prepares good men with crosses.
7. Money or coin stamped with the figure of a cross
8. The right side or face of a coin, stamped with a cross
9. The mark of a cross instead of a signature, on a deed, formerly impressed by those who could not write.
10. Church lands in Ireland.
11. In theology, the suffering of Christ by crucifixion.
That he might reconcile both to God in one body by the cross Ephesians 2:16.
12. The doctrine of Christs sufferings and of the atonement, or of salvation by Christ.
The preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness. 1 Corinthians 1:17. Galatians 5:11.
To take up the cross is to submit to troubles and afflictions from love to Christ.
13. In mining, two nicks cut in the surface of the earth, thus +.
CROSS and pile, a play with money, at which it is put to chance whether a coin shall fall with that side up, which bears the cross or the other which is called pile or reverse.
CROSS, adjective
1. Transverse; oblique; passing from side to side; falling athwart; as a cross beam.
The cross refraction of a second prism.
2. Adverse; opposite; obstructing; sometimes with to; as an event cross to our inclinations.
3. Perverse; untractable; as the cross circumstances of a mans temper.
4. Peevish; fretful; ill-humored; applied to persons or things; as a cross woman or husband; a cross answer.
5. Contrary; contradictory; perplexing.
Contradictions that seem to lie cross and uncouth.
6. Adverse; unfortunate.
Behold the cross and unlucky issue of my design.
7. Interchanged; as a cross marriage, when a brother and sister intermarry with two persons who have the same relation to each other.
8. Noting what belongs to an adverse party; as a cross interrogatory.
CROSS, preposition Athwart; transversely; over; from side to side; so as to intersect.
This is admissible in poetry, as an abbreviation of across.
CROSS, verb transitive
1. To draw or run a line, or lay a body across another; as, to cross a word in writing; to cross the arms.
2. To erase; to cancel; as, to cross an account.
3. To make the sign of the cross as catholics in devotion.
4. To pass from side to side; to pass or move over; as, to cross a road; to cross a river, or the ocean. I crossed the English channel, from Dieppe to Brighton, in a steam-boat, Sept. 18, 1824.
5. To thwart; to obstruct; to hinder; to embarrass; as, to cross a purpose or design.
6. To counteract; to clash or interfere with; to be inconsistent with; as, natural appetites may cross our principles.
7. To counteract or contravene; to hinder by authority; to stop. [See No. 5.]
8. To contradict.
9. To debar or preclude.
To cross the breed of an animal, is to produce young from different varieties of the species.
CROSS, verb intransitive
1. To lie or be athwart.
2. To move or pass laterally, or from one side towards the other, or from place to place, either at right angles or obliquely; as, to cross from Nantucket to New Bedford.
3. To be inconsistent; as, mens actions d not always cross with reason.