CRY, verb intransitive preterit tense and participle passive cried. It ought to be cryed.
1. To utter a loud voice; to speak, call or exclaim with vehemence; in a very general sense.
2. To call importunately; to utter a loud voice, by way of earnest request of prayer.
The people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Genesis 41:1.
The people cried to Moses, and he prayed. Numbers 11:1.
3. To utter a loud voice in weeping; to utter the voice of sorrow; to lament.
But ye shall cry for sorrow of heart. Isaiah 65:14.
Esau cried with a great and bitter cry Genesis 27:34.
Also, to weep or shed tears in silence; a popular use of the word.
4. To utter a loud sound in distress; as, Heshbon shall cry Isaiah 15:4.
He giveth food to the young raves which cry Psalms 147:9.
5. To exclaim; to utter a loud voice; with out.
And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out. Luke 9:1.
6. To proclaim; to utter a loud voice, in giving public notice.
Go, and cry in the ears of Jerusalem. Jeremiah 2:2.
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness. Isa 40.
7. To bawl; to squall; as a child.
8. To yelp, as a dog. It may be used for the uttering of a loud voice by other animals.
To cry against, to exclaim, or utter a loud voice, by way of reproof, threatening or censure.
Arise, go to Nineveh, and cry against it. Jonah 1:2.
To cry out, to exclaim; to vociferate; to scream; to clamor. 2. To complain loudly.
To cry out against, to complain loudly, with a view to censure; to blame; to utter censure.
To cry to, to call on in prayer; to implore.
CRY, verb transitive
1. To proclaim; to name loudly and publicly for giving notice; as, to cry goods; to cry a lost a child.
To cry down,
1. To decry; to depreciate by words or in writing; to dispraise; to condemn.
Men of dissolute lives cry down religion, because they would not be under the restraints of it.
2. To overbear.
CRY down this fellows insolence.
To cry up,
1. To praise; to applaud; to extol; as, to cry up a mans talents or patriotism, or a womans beauty; to cry up the administration.
2. To raise the price by proclamation; as, to cry up certain coins. [Not in use.]
To cry off, in the vulgar dialect, is to publish intentions of marriage.
CRY, noun plural cries.
1. In a general sense, a loud sound uttered by the mouth of an animal; applicable to the voice of man or beast, and articulate or inarticulate.
2. A loud or vehement sound, uttered in weeping, or lamentation; it may be a shriek or scream.
And there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt. Exodus 11:6.
3. Clamor; outcry; as, war, war, is the public cry
And there arose a great cry Acts 23:9.
4. Exclamations of triumph, or wonder, or of other passion.
5. Proclamation; public notice.
At midnight there was a cry made. Matthew 25:6.
6. The notices of hawkers of wares to be sold int he street are called cries; as the cries of London.
7. Acclamation; expression of popular favor.
The cry went once for thee.
8. A loud voice in distress, prayer or request; importunate call.
He forgetteth no the cry of the humble. Psalms 9:12.
There was a great cry in Egypt. Exodus 12:30.
9. Public reports or complaints; noise; fame.
Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great--I will go down, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it. Gen 18.
10. Bitter complaints of oppression and injustice.
He looked for righteousness, and behold a cry Isa 5.
11. The sound or voice of irrational animals; expression of joy, fright, alarm, or want; as the cries of fowls, the yell or yelping of dogs, etc.
1. A pack of dogs.