American Dictionary of the English Language

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CURE, noun [Latin , to cure to take care, to prepare.]

1. A healing; the act of healing; restoration to health from disease, and to soundness from a wound. We say, a medicine will effect a cure

2. Remedy for disease; restorative; that which heals.

Colds, hunger, prisons, ills without a cure

3. The employment of a curate; the care of souls; spiritual charge.

CURE, verb transitive [Latin See the Noun.]

1. To heal, as a person diseased or a wounded limb; to restore to health, as the body, or to soundness, as a limb.

The child was cured from that very hour. Matthew 17:16.

2. To subdue, remove, destroy or put an end to; to heal, as a disease.

Christ gave his disciples power to cure diseases. Luke 9:1.

When the person and the disease are both mentioned, cure is followed by of before the disease. The physician cured the man of his fever.

3. To remedy; to remove an evil, and restore to a good state.

Patience will alleviate calamities, which cannot cure

4. To dry; to prepare for preservation; as, to cure hay; or to prepare by salt, or in any manner, so as to prevent speedy putrefaction; as, to cure fish or beef.