

American Dictionary of the English Language

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FIERCENESS, noun fers'ness.

1. Ferocity; savageness.

The defect of heat which gives fierceness to our natures.

2. Eagerness for blood; fury; as the fierceness of a lion or bear.

3. Quickness to attack; keenness in anger and resentment.

The Greeks are strong, and skilful to their strength,

Fierce to their skill, and to their fierceness valiant.

4. Violence; outrageous passion.

His pride and brutal fierceness I abhor.

5. Vehemence; fury; impetuosity; as the fierceness of a tempest.

FIERI FA'CIAS, noun [Latin] In law, a judicial writ that lies for him who has recovered in debt or damages, commanding the sheriff to levy the same on the goods of him against whom the recovery was had.