

American Dictionary of the English Language

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HOOT'ING, noun A shouting; clamor.

HOP, verb intransitive

1. To leap, or spring on one leg; applied to persons.

2. To leap; to spring forward by leaps; to skip, as birds.

Hopping from spray to spray.

3. To walk lame; to limp; to halt. [We generally use hobble.]

4. To move by leaps or starts, as the blood in the veins. [Not used.]

5. To spring; to leap; to frisk about.

6. To dance.

HOP, noun A leap on one leg; a leap; a jump; a spring.

1. A dance.

HOP, noun A plant constituting the genus Humulus. The stalk or vine, which grows to a great length, is weak and requires to be supported. In growing, it climbs or winds round a pole or other support. This plant is of great importance in brewing, as it tends to preserve malt liquors, and renders them more aperient, diuretic and salubrious.

HOP, verb transitive To impregnate with hops.