INSIN'UATE, verb transitive [Latin insinuo; in and sinus, the bosom, a bay, inlet or recess.]
1. To introduce gently, or into a narrow passage; to wind in. Water insinuates itself into the crevices of rocks.
2. To push or work one's self into favor; to introduce by slow, gentle or artful means.
He insinuated himself into the very good grace of the duke of Buckingham.
3. To hint; to suggest by remote allusion.
And all the fictions bards pursue,
Do but insinuate what's true.
4. To instill; to infuse gently; to introduce artfully.
All the art of rhetoric, besides order and clearness, are for nothing else but to insinuate wrong ideas, move the passions and thereby mislead the judgment.
INSIN'UATE, verb intransitive To creep in; to wind in; to flow in; to enter gently, slowly or imperceptibly, as into crevices.
1. To gain on the affections by gentle or artful means, or by imperceptible degrees; as insinuating flattery.
2. To wind along.