INTEL'LIGENCE, noun [Latin intelligentia, from intelligo, to understand. This verb is probably composed of in, inter, or intus, within, and lego to collect. The primary sense of understand is generally to take or hold, as we say, to take one's ideas or meaning.]
1. Understanding; skill.
2. Notice; information communicated; an account of things distant or before unknown. intelligence may be transmitted by messengers, by letters, by signals or by telegraphs.
3. Commerce of acquaintance; terms of intercourse. Good intelligence between men is harmony. So we say, there is a good understanding between persons, when they have the same views, or are free from discord.
4. A spiritual being; as a created intelligence It is believed that the universe is peopled with innumerable superior intelligences.
INTEL'LIGENCE, verb transitive To inform; to instruct. [Little Used.]