LIST, noun [Latin licium.]
1. In commerce, the border, edge or selvage of cloth; a strip of cloth forming the border, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it.
2. A line inclosing or forming the extremity of a piece of ground, or field of combat; hence, the ground or field inclosed for a race or combat. Hence, to enter the lists, is to accept a challenge or engage in contest. Hence,
3. A limit or boundary; a border.
4. In architecture, a little square molding; a fillet; called also a listel.
5. A roll or catalogue, that is, a row or line; as a list of names; a list of books; a list of articles; a list of ratable estate.
6. A strip of cloth; a fillet.
Civil list in Great Britain and the United States, the civil officers of government, as judges, embassadors, secretaries, etc. Hence it is used for the revenues or appropriations of public money for the support of the civil officers.
LIST, verb transitive [from list a roll.]
1. To enroll; to register in a list or catalogue; to enlist. The latter is the more elegant word. Hence,
2. To engage in the public service, as soldiers.
They in my name are listed.
3. To inclose for combat; as, to list a field.
4. To sew together, as strips of cloth; or to form a border.
5. To cover with a list or with strips of cloth; as, to list a door.
6. To hearken; to attend; a contraction of listen, which see.
LIST, verb intransitive To engage in public service by enrolling one's name; to enlist. [The latter is the more elegant word. See Enlist.]
LIST, verb intransitive [See the noun.]
Properly, to lean or incline; to be propense; hence, to desire or choose.
Let other men think of your devices as they list
The wind bloweth where it listeth. John 3:8.
LIST, noun In the language of seamen, an inclination to one side. The ship has a list to port.