LI'VELY, adjective
1. Brisk; vigorous; vivacious; active; as a lively youth.
2. Gay; airy.
From grave to gay, from lively to severe.
3. Representing life; as a lively imitation of nature.
4. Animated; spirited; as a lively strain of eloquence; a lively description.
5. Strong; energetic; as a lively faith or hope; a lively persuasion.
Lively stones, in scripture. Saints are called lively stones, as being quickened by the Spirit and active in holiness.
LI'VELY, adverb
1. Briskly; vigorously. [Little Used.]
2. With strong resemblance of life.
That part of poetry must needs be best, which describes most lively our actions and passions. [Little Used.]