

American Dictionary of the English Language

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M'ARBLE, noun [Latin marmor; Gr. white.]

1. The popular name of any species of calcarious stone or mineral, of a compact texture, and of a beautiful appearance, susceptible of a good polish. The varieties are numerous, and greatly diversified in color. marble is limestone, or a stone which may be calcined to lime, a carbonate of lime; but limestone is a more general name, comprehending the calcarious stones of an inferior texture, as well as those which admit a fine polish. marble is much used for statues, busts, pillars, chimney pieces, monuments, etc.

2. A little ball of marble or other stone, used by children in play.

3. A stone remarkable for some inscription or sculpture.

Arundel marbles,

Arundelian marbles, marble pieces with a chronicle of the city of Athens inscribed on them; presented to the university of Oxford, by Thomas, earl of Arundel.

M'ARBLE, adjective Made of marble; as a marble pillar.

1. Variegated in color; stained or veined like marble; as the marble cover of a book.

2. Hard; insensible; as a marble heart.

M'ARBLE, verb transitive To variegate in color; to cloud; to stain or vein like marble; as, to marble the cover of a book.