

American Dictionary of the English Language

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MU'TINY, noun [Latin muto, to change.] An insurrection of soldiers or seamen against the authority of their commanders; open resistance of officers or opposition to their authority. A mutiny is properly the act of numbers, but by statutes and orders for governing the army and navy in different countries, the acts which constitute mutiny are multiplied and defined; and acts of individuals, amounting to a resistance of the authority or lawful commands of officers, are declared to be mutiny Any attempt to excite opposition to lawful authority, or any act of contempt towards officers, or disobedience of commands, is by the British mutiny act declared to be mutiny Any concealment of mutinous acts, or neglect to attempt a suppression of them, is declared also to be mutiny

[Note-In good authors who lived a century ago, mutiny and mutinous were applied to insurrection and sedition in civil society. But I believe these words are now applied exclusively to soldiers and seamen.]

MU'TINY, verb intransitive To rise against lawful authority in military and naval service; to excite or attempt to excite opposition to the lawful commands of military and naval officers; to commit some act which tends to bring the authority of officers into contempt, or in any way to promote insubordination.