

American Dictionary of the English Language

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P'ARK, noun [Latin parcus, saving.] A large piece of ground inclosed and privileged for wild beasts of chase, in England, by the king's grant or by prescription. To constitute a park three things are required; a royal grant or license; inclosure by pales, a wall or hedge; and beasts of chase, as deer, etc.

Park of artillery, or artillery park a place in the rear of both lines of any army for encamping the artillery, which is formed in lines, the guns in front, the ammunition wagons behind the guns, and the pontoons and tumbrils forming the third line. The whole is surrounded with a rope. The gunners and matrosses encamp on the flanks; the bombardiers, pontoon-men and artificers in the rear.

Also, the whole train of artillery belonging to an army or division of troops.

Park of provisions, the place where the settlers pitch their tents and sell provisions, and that where the bread wagons are stationed.

P'ARK, verb transitive To inclose in a park